Saturday, January 14, 2017

Ant sting (becaming-a-man)

You cannot become a mature man if you cannot bear an ant sting in Satere-Mawe tribe of the Amazon. To become a perfect man, each boy participates in this ritual. When a boy come to age of adolescent, he goes into the jungle with age fellows and a man with medicines to collect ants that have most painful sting in the world. The sting is compared to a bullet.

The boys collect ants and ants are put under the drugs of some herbs, which gives them the doctor. Later, while ants sleep in their state of drug-induced sleep, they are placed in a mesh glove with the spine inside. After wake up ants become angry when they find themselves bound. Boys must wear gloves and hold them for about ten minutes while they do dance to forget the feelings of pain.

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